Bachwig travellers

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The magnificent Lake District

I've been very behind in my blogging...this holidaying business is hard work!!!! Our plan on Sunday leaving Conwy was to get away early so we could explore the Lakes District as soon as we could
...and those who know us well will be surprised to hear that we did it and were in Bowness on Windemere by around 12.30!!! Lake Windemere is the most crowded of the lakes and thank goodness I took the advise of those on Trip Advisor and we weren't staying there. The town (Bowness) was SO crowded..Bruce even asked someone if there was an event on -but no- it was a quiet weekend! The weather was amazing! Everywhere we go the discussion is always of the weather and to be fair to the English I think that is to some extent that we are tourists and good weather helps. We were truly blessed in the Lakes District and you will all love the photos. Unfortunately we are having I pad import issues so I can't post any right now so that may have to wait until we get home...but watch this space in case we find a solution. Back to the Lakes...we were fortunate to find a car park really close. You pay for car parking everywhere here and we are constantly saving coins for both tipping and car parks. Then after sussing out the boat options we headed into the crowded but pretty town for lunch. Following some signs to the 'old town' we found a nice looking 'pub' that had outdoor seating and was in our price range. Dining outside without heaters in October..fantastic!! And after the very ordinary wine experiences in Conwy (bar the Castle) we felt like we had come home-good wine and good food. As seems incredibly common here and I think I have seen it more North than South people bring there dogs, sit outside,and the waiters fill dog bowls with water for the dogs. I've often seen dog bowls with water just ready in public areas for passing dogs. So after a civilized lunch we took a 40 minute boat trip on Windermere. My camera battery died...why DID I not buy a second most of the shots will be Bruces!!! That was a lovely trip if a little chilly on top but worth it for the views.

From a literary perspective in the Lakes there are the Poets (most famously Wordsworth) and Beatrix Potter. I've never been a Beatrix Potter fan and while we had some of her books I never read them to Michael nor read them myself as a child- they just never appealed to me. But I do enjoy the stories when told in plays and think her illustrations are lovely. We didn't go to Hilltop her home (an excuse among many for a return to the Lakes) but we did go to the Beatrix Potter experience in Bowness which is a lovely walk through of characters and stories added with a few movies and a garden. I don't think it is a must visit and they could have made it more interactive. I think Bruce enjoyed it the most of all of us as there was lots to photograph but Michael enjoyed it too. As I'm recalling this I remember the staff member at the entry and it Isn't that she was rude but she was efficacy and lacked warmth and this was contrary to so many of the attractions we have been to. Many of them have mastered at least to sone extent the art of welcoming visitors and especially children. Often Michael receives a special welcome so for a child focused attraction that has won awards I think they can do better.

After that we were not at all tempted to spend in the shop- too expensive and it was off to the car before the car parking ran out. Then a nice wee drive to Grasmere to our B&B with it's primo position looking out to Lake Grasmere. Much better than crowded Windermere. We were over the road from the lack and a little noisy but still sleepable and we just had to be very very careful crossing the road to the lake. I went for lovely peaceful early evening walk down the end of the lake and it's incredibly beautiful as the trees are all turning and you are walking through golden autumn leaves - which I'm sure would lose it's romance in the slush of winter.


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